Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Old Boxes With Old Pictures

It was only the other day I was going through boxes of photos and came across these which were taken a while ago now with my girlfriend Sally. She was on holidays from London to spend some much needed time with her family and she had only one day left before she was to go back. We decided to take some shots in a few different locations and the styling was left to me. It took some time and lots of different wardrobe changes to come up with the looks we were after. I have always been inspired but pictures of my mothers from her life quite some years ago. So I thought I would mix up the looks and hairstyles to give that older look but with a modern twist. 
Here is what we came up with.......

Wearing : Vintage Sleepwear

Makeup and Hair: Becca Gill Martin

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Four.seasons in Twenty.minutes

As I was driving to work this morning I was lucky enough to see 4 seasons in 20 minutes.
It started with waking to the smell of the fresh air and the sound of raindrops, the fluffy white clouds that lined the sky to the Rainbow that finished off at the last part of my journey.
The magic of nature holds so much beauty. I felt so lucky to experience all of this in just one short journey.

I now find myself daydreaming of all the simple things in life that continue to make me smile. Sometimes I find people forget to look up and notice what’s truly beautiful. It’s true the best things in life are free.

I’m now daydreaming of ..............
                                           Daisy chains and embroiderd Lace.....

                                             A wall of memories capturing every moment

                                                   friendships that last a lifetime
                                                                       Inspiring days